Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Unit 7: Paradise Now

I have to admit... my initial thoughts on the film were that I really enjoyed it. I found myself empathizing with both Said and his bestfriend (I cannot think of his name at the moment). Throughout the entire film, even though I knew what they were plotting, I couldn't bring myself to look at them with disgust. I guess the writer/director did a good job. Even in the final scene, when Said was sitting on the bus and all those innocent victims were stationed around him, I still felt for Said.
It wasn't until I read the reviews required for this blog that I actually snapped out of it!! I know its just a film and they were all actors playing a role...but, unfortunately for the people living in Israel and Palestine (depending on your political views)...those events are real to them!, what petition would I sign my name to?... the one to have Paradise Now removed from the awards list or the counter-petition?
I do agree that there are two sides to every story. I think it is important, regardless of how unattractive it may be, to present as many sides/opinions to any one situation as possible because it helps people to learn and grow. So, I would sign the counter-petition. Having said all my heart, I think that everysingle person that signed the petition to have the movie removed from the awards show list was also 100% right!!
I guess I am fortunate of having the luxury of being able to take the middle road because, THANK GOD, I have never, nor has anyone I love, ever been the victim of a suicide bomber.


ANITA said...

Nice post, and I agree with your choice.

Aline L. said...

I agree with what you said. We are blessed indeed.

Noelle said...

Hi Cassie - I agree, it's nice that we have more choices here. I think it's critical to express various views (even though I may not agree all the time) b/c that's how we learn and become more aware of what's happening outside of our own "little worlds." It's too bad we all can't just get along. Simple but yet so complex.

Anonymous said...

After you "snapped out of it," did you still _feel_ for Said?

Teresa said...

I emphasized as well. This is a film that I never would have watched, even if my son had brought it home from BB, I doubt I would have watched it with him. That said, I'm glad for all of the films inclued in this course. My thinking has been affected, not necessarily changed, but definitely affected, particularly by Paradise Now. The movie brings out a humanism that I'd have never given credit to suicide bombers. They are deranged nuts (well, maybe some of them are). They could live next door and the fact that they fact that they would die for their cause isn't much different from the things we believe and have faith in.