Saturday, March 29, 2008

China's New Radicals (Blog #6)

First of all, I have to say that I found the TimeAsia article, China's New Radicals, extremely interesting!!! To briefly summarize the article, it discussed the growing linglei subculture within China. The linglei are young, middle to upper class Chinese that choose to become the outcasts of society; they live the alternative lifestyle. They are typically high school drop outs, listen to punk rock, and dress in flashy clothes.

It appears that recently, the linglei lifestyle has grown in popularity. Advertisers use this lifestyle as a marketing ploy to entice the younger generation. It is becoming cool and hip to be a linglei. The linglei do not get hassled from the government because they know where their bread is buttered! They know that if they go too far...than all their freedom will be gone in moments. Although many of them lack formal schooling...they are not stupid.

It was very interesting because Alex provided a very different prospective towards Chinese youth. He praised the importance of an education. I could tell that he really valued his schooling and that the people he probably associated with would, as well.

Here is my take on the situation (and I could be completely off!)
It reminds me of Hollywood and all those gossip magazines and stuff...
If you come from a working class background, you are more likely to value your education. The kids that are part of the linglei class obviously have the luxury of opting out and still making it. If that makes any sense. Obviously, if they didn't have some financial security (a mom and dad that could be their safety net) then it wouldn't be cool. No one thinks being a hobo is cool. So, of course when they drop out of school and decide to live the life of a writer in the big city...they have to know in the back of their minds that they are not going to starve to death.


Steve Adams said...

Cassie, I certainly don't know if your take on the situation is correct or not, but it makes sense to me. I suspect this is a phenomenon that will not last to another generation in current form, as changes will come so fast and radically that the linglei in current form will be sociologically obsolete. There is always such an element to society but they can take different forms of expression. I suspect the element of rebellion will enter more fully into future youth drifter subcultures, because there will be no more economic scaffolding beneath them as you suggest - if you are correct, this counterculture depends on the economic health of the establishment! Steve

Susan Rooks said...

Hi Cassie:

I am also reminded of the stupid reality TV shows that boast about the wasted lives of America's richest sons and daughters. Could Paris Hilton be linglei?

I agree with Steve that this phenonenon will not last to another generation, because there will not be an economic base to support it. "Shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations" used to be a popular saying describing the rise and fall of family wealth in America. Looks like it applies to China as well.


Rook said...

Interesting post. This "linglei" group will be shortlived. At some point they will have to provide for themselves (food, etc) and those stylist clothes and expensive rock concerts will become secondary.